Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Support of Decision-Making Processes at the Saudi Shura Council
دور مشاركة المعرفة في دعم عمليات اتخاذ القرار في مجلس الشورى السعودي
Subject : Faculty of Arts & Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aims at exploring "the role of knowledge sharing and its contribution to supporting the process of taking decisions in the Saudi Shura Council. Achieving this aim, minor aims have been stated; namely, recognizing the level of the knowledge by the members of the Shura Council when taking decisions, recognizing the contributions of the members' knowledge sharing in the council's decisions and recognizing the influence of the participation of the members on supporting the process of decision taking in the Saudi Shura Council. Moreover, it aims at exploring the effects of demographic factors on the dimensions of the knowledge sharing participation in taking decisions in the council, and finally, proposing a vision to implement the knowledge sharing in the light of the philosophy of knowledge management. The survey was conducted on a random small sample of the targeted community, namely the (150) members of the Saudi Shura Council (120 males and 30 females) , with a percentage of (50%). (75) questionnaire forms were distributed and (55) of them were retrieved with a percentage of (73.33%). The researcher used the descriptive survey approach through the case study method in which the gathered data was analyzed by a questionnaire to answer the predetermined questions. They were (96) questions prepared according to independent research variant which were proved to be true. The study found several important results. One of which is the rising of responses of the participants towards their participation in taking decisions recording a percentage of (79%). Other findings were that (78%) agreed upon placing alternatives, (78%) on selecting the suitable decision. The sample participants, with (85%), responded positively towards the members' participation in taking decisions through specialized committees, while (82%) agreed on discussing scheduled topics in the agenda, (76%) on holding meetings, (76%) making gatherings, (73%) on presenting reports, meanwhile, (76.6%) confirmed associative relationships among the dimensions of knowledge sharing, and (76%) agreed on the nature of work, whereas (65.8%) approved of the style of business management, and (78.4%) of the external environment and the process of taking decisions by the Council's members. It was found that there were differences with statistical denotations among the participants in terms of the dimensions of knowledge sharing in supporting the process of taking decisions in Saudi Shura Council according to variants of age, major, occupation and experience). The study was concluded by the researcher with some recommendations. One of which is the necessity of building one team work made up of all the Council's department and headed by one in depended leader, which contributes to building cooperation bridges with all the administrative departments. Another recommendation is the important of building a strategy of knowledge in the Shura council. Thirdly, the continuous development of the information technology supporting the practicing of knowledge sharing. Finally, the importance of building on integrated method to build and strengthen the organizational culture which supports knowledge sharing in the Saudi Shura Council and finally, proposing a vision to implement the knowledge sharing . 
Supervisor : Prof. Mohammed Amin Marghalani 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1438 AH
2017 AD
Added Date : Monday, February 13, 2017 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عثمان موسى عقيـليAgeeli, Othman MousaResearcherDoctorate 


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