Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
ثقافة العمل التطوعي وعلاقته بالتنمية الاجتماعية في المجتمع السعودي دراسة وصفية على عينة من الفرق التطوعية بمحافظة جدة
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In terms of the role that volunteer work plays and its impact on the goals of social development, not to mention that participation in volunteer work is a feature of developed countries and a requirement for contemporary life. As volunteer work is a social work that has different goals that form the culture of volunteering in general. With the difference of cultures in different societies, this study comes to reveal the components of volunteer work in the Saudi society and analyze the impact of this culture in developing social relations in the context of the social structure, improving positive traditions, and strengthening social security. And developing social awareness among members of Saudi society. To achieve this goal, the study used the social survey method and the target stratified sample. The sample of the study consisted of (414) female volunteers working in the social and health fields in Jeddah Governorate. The study relied on questionnaire, interviews and group discussions as tools for data collection. The study reached the following results:  Diversity of objectives among volunteers between rational and irrational actions with close percentages in the culture of volunteering work. Value motive and willingness to abide by religious and social principles have been ranked first among prevalent rational objectives in terms of the culture of volunteering work. Then, emotional willingness and predominance of sentimental feelings have come in the second rank as an irrational action in terms of the culture of volunteering work. Public good has come third among objectives of volunteering work. Then, irrational volunteering work in accordance to customs and traditions has been ranked fourth as a motive behind volunteering act. Meanwhile, volunteering with self-interest has been ordered final among the objectives of volunteering work in the Saudi society.  Absence of correlation between axes of social development in terms of ‘development of social relations, development of positive traditions, development of social awareness, development of social welfare/security and parameters of the culture of volunteering in terms of level of harmony and variance with volunteering team, methodology of performance of volunteering work, the influencing factor of trends toward volunteering work, and knowledge upon which volunteering work is based.  Absence of correlation between ‘Development of Social Relations, Development of Social Awareness’ on one hand and the social position of the volunteer on the other hand.  Correlation between ‘Development of Positive Traditions, Development of Social security on one hand and social position of the volunteer on the other hand in favor of leader volunteer and the practitioner volunteer.  Absence of correlation between ‘Development of Social Relations, Development of Positive Traditions, Development of Social security on one hand and the nature of participation in volunteering work on the other  Correlation between development of social awareness on one hand and the nature of participation on the other hand in favor of volunteering work continuously The study concluded with a number of recommendations as follows. A unified mechanism for volunteering work issued in 2020 shall be activated. Also, a call should be made to establish a general organization for volunteering to attract experienced volunteers – a matter that would contribute to enhancement of the culture of volunteering in the Saudi society. 
Supervisor : Dr. Yahya Turki Al-Khazraj 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1442 AH
2021 AD
Added Date : Monday, September 6, 2021 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
بتول أحمد كرزونKarzoon, Batool AhmedResearcherDoctorate 


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