Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
تأثير إجهاد الحواجز على خصائص الكهربائية لثنائيات ليزر الجدران الكمية من انديوم زرنيخ الجاليوم المطعم بالنتروجين
Subject : Faculty of Science 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In this thesis, the electrical properties of InGaAsN laser diodes with semiconductor three quantum well active regions grown by MOVPE and emitting at 1.26 m wavelength are investigated. This covers the most two important parameters of the ideality factor and series resistance for the devices. The threshold current density of these devices will be included. The investigation of structures having three quantum wells with and without strained barriers show that the ideality factor n obtained from the forward bias current-voltage characteristics decreases with the increase of temperature for the two structures for each cavity length given by 466 m and 760 m. This implies that the strained barriers in quantum well does not show any effect on the ideality factor n value and it changes from 2.1 at 200 K to 1.1 at 400 K for all four devices. The series resistance of structures as a function of temperatures slightly increase with increasing temperature. At high temperatures, the effects of strained barriers are clear on the series resistances. In addition, the optical transmission in the structure of quantum wells with strained barriers are more preferable rather than the structure of quantum wells. In fact, in case of long cavity, the optical conductivity is effective and high efficiency which will reduce the series resistances. The threshold current density Jth for structures which is deduced from the L-I characteristics are obtained and are taken for each two different cavity lengths. This shows that the structure with strained barriers has lower Jth compared to the other one for all temperatures. Furthermore, the obtained Jth for structures with strained barriers has low sensitivity to temperature compared to structures without strained barriers. This is due to the confinement created through the additional strained barriers which were added to the structures. 
Supervisor : Dr. Mohammed Saad Al-Ghamdi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2019 AD
Added Date : Tuesday, October 8, 2019 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
خوله حسن الزهرانيAlzahrani, Khawlah HassanResearcherMaster 


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