Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Security Of the Hejaz In the Reign Of King Abdulaziz Al-Saud 1925 – 1953 A.D/ 1343 - 1373 A.H ) )
أمن الحجاز في عهد الملك عبد العزيز آل سعود (1343ــ1373هـ /1925 ــ1953 م)
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The research discusses the Hejaz security beginning from the admission of King Abdulaziz until his death, it explains the situations witnessed security fluctuations in some periods and absence in others before King Abdulaziz admission, moreover, the research discusses the reasons made King Abdula join Hejaz, practically when Sharif Hussain prevented Najdinian people to perform Hajj for many successive years. In addition to that social factor made some of the Hejazi people ask King Abdulaziz for help and to get rid of the bad situations they suffered during the period in which Sharif Hussain was busy with the Arabic revolution . The research discusses how King Abdulaziz joined Hejaz regons and the procedures he followed to security and safety of people in addition to the settlement phenomena he provided in each town. The research discusses the security administrative reforms King Abdulaz performed in Hejaz including establishin new Administrative and renovating others. In addition to the said reforms, there were many means followed by King Abdulaziz to realize the security in Hejaz most important of which the Islamic Sharia legislation and punishment, the reforms and means represented security plan applied by King Abdulaziz to realize the security in Hejaz joining the two holly mosques, the first evidence represented by the comprehensive progress the area witnessed in all fields, in addition to the increasing people coming to perform Hajj. This was not easy that King Abdulaziz faced many difficulties that could hinder his security reforms unless his administrative knowledge, one of these difficulties is the appearance of opponents and their plans to get rid of him and his authority in Hejaz, but he was able to beat them before executing their plans intended to get rid of him and his security bases. The research concludes an important result is that the current security the kingdom witnesses is a result of the security bases put by King Abdulaziz when unifying the kingdom, this proves the efficiency of important means followed to realize these objectives, most important of which is the application of Sharia to adopt the individual and community security. 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1430 AH
2009 AD
Number Of Pages : 143 
Added Date : Tuesday, October 29, 2013 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
اريج محسن العوفيAL AOFI, AREG MUHSSENInvestigatorMaster 


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