Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
دراسة ارتفاع مستوى الهيموجلوبين (إف) خلال فترات الحمل الطبيعي
Pattern oF HB F Level Rise During Normal Pregnancies
Subject : Hematology 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Fetal hemolglobin (Hb F) is the normal hemoglobin (Hb) that is present in the fetus and usually almost present in adults. The objective of this study was to assess the changes in Hb F levels during normal pregnancy. The level of Hb F was determined in serial blood samples from women in different stages of pregnancy usiong cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and compared to age and sex-matched controls. A significant increase (p<0.001) was observed in the level of maternal Hb F; the mean Hb F level during pregnancy was 0.71 ± 0.51%, while in non pregnant control group it was 0.28 ± 0.35%. There was no significant differences in Hb F levels in the three trimester groups using ANOVA test (F=0.25). Correlation studies between the gestational age and level of Hb F showed no significant increase of Hb F with advancing pregnancy (R = 0.035, p>0.05). The cause of the rise of Hb F is yet to be elucidated. 
ISSN : 03630260903332981 
Journal Name : Hemoglobin 
Volume : 33 
Issue Number : 6 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2009 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Monday, February 22, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
منصور محمد صالح ابوالعلاAbulola, Mansour Mohamad
مها ابراهيمIbrahim, Maha InvestigatorDoctorate 
محمد حسن قاريQari, Mohamad
وفاء سيتSait, Wafa

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