Personal Information


Department of  Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Science - AL Faisaliah Campus

Contact Information

Phone: 022577466 Ext. 2470


Fatheah Ahmed Abdul Rzaq Hendi



I have a Bachelor degree in science and education (especially in physics) in 1394 H from the girls college of education in <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Riyadh.
I studied a diploma in Mathematics for two years between (1395- 1397)H. 
I have got the Master degree in  pure mathematics ( numerical analysis ) in 1400 H from the girls college of education in <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Riyadh.

I have got the degree of Doctor of  philosophy in science  in  pure mathematics ( numerical analysis ) in 1413 H from the girls college of education in <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Riyadh.
I became an assistance professor in department of mathematics in 1413H.I appointed as a head of mathematics department in the girls college of education in Jeddah.
 I was a member in many internal committees in our college such as committee of recording marks,  examination committee , committee of higher studies ... and others .
I became an associative professor in 1423 H.I have supervised many thesis (Master ,PhD.). 

I work  in judging many thesis (Master ,PhD.)



Research Interests

1.     Numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.

2.     Numerical solutions of singular and nonsingular  integral equations.

3.     Spectral solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.

4.     Spectral solutions of integral equations.

5.     Symbolic solutions of some integral equations.

Scientific interests


Functions of complex variables math-223
Linear algebra 227 EMTH
complex analysis 413 math
Calculas 203 Math203
Programming 331 Math331

Areas of expertise